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SleeBD Disposable PEN


Image Kind PriceTotalQuantity
SleeBD Disposable PEN - Relieve Relieve 40 40
SleeBD Disposable PEN - Rest Rest 40 40
SKU: N/A Category:

“What CBD does is help balance our endocannabinoid system, the main job of which is to keep our body in homeostasis,” says Aimée Gould Shunney, a licensed naturopathic doctor at Santa Cruz Integrative Medicine.

It also prevents our major endocannabinoid, which is called anandamide, from being broken down—and when we have plenty of our own endocannabinoids circulating, not only are we not going to respond as much to a stress, but we’re going to return to baseline faster, so it’s like a recovery system.”


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